Magnus Sigurdarson exposes his own vulnerability in discrete acts, each of them acknowledging the pathos of his (and our) being. With a self-deprecating sense of humor, Sigurdarson plays out his heightened awareness of being out of place in his characters as the painted singing Roman statue, the marooned Icelander on South Beach, the English Beefeater man in the streets of London, or a Union soldier on an Indian battlefield. His works employ a range of media, from interventions in public space and sculptural installations to intimate photographic and video work.
Magnús Sigurðarson has exhibited at Reykjavik Art Museum, the Icelandic Consulate in Berlin, Dimensions Variable, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami. Sigurðarson studied art at Studio Cecil and Graves, Florence, Italy (1988), The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts (1992) and Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA (1997). He is a Fulbright Scholarship Recipient with multiple grants and awards. His works are included in the collections of Debra and Dennis Scholl, Miami Beach; Alberto Chebebar, Miami Beach; Collezione La Gaia, Busca, Italy, MDD – Museum Dhondt – Dhaenes, Gent, Belgium; The Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik; The Reykjavik Municipal Museum, Reykjavik; The Related Group, Miami and The Private Collection of Emmanuel Javogue, Miami. He currently lives and works in Miami, FL and Reykjavik, Iceland.
Born Reykjavik, Iceland
Lives and works in Miami, FL and Reykjavik, Iceland
Melancholy is a 1st World Problem – Dimensions Variable, Miami, FL
Adios Melancholy – The Parroty of Life, Emerson Dorsch, Miami, FL
Athofn & Yforskyn / Process & Pretense, Listasafn Reykjavikur Hafnarhus, Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhus
1001 Dreams of Occupation – What’s in it for me? Dorsch Gallery, Miami FL
Absenteeism, Dimensions Variable, Miami
2010 Fall of the Pedetial Sentience – last stand of the Fabulous, Terrific and Super, Dorsch Gallery, Miami FL
Operation Beefeater, of man and his Nature, PanAmerican Art Projects, Miami, FL
Operation Workload, Dot 51, Miami FL
The Fundamentally Right Project, Pan American Art Projects, Dallas, TX
Tropical Itch, aesthetics of scratching, Kevin Bruk Gallery, Miami FL
Of/On Target, Art Center/South Florida, Miami Beach, FL
Divine Intervention, Marina Kessler Gallery, Miami FL
Project Diagnosis of the Obvious, Gallery Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland
Freedom of Choice, New Icelandic Art, on reality, man and image, The Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik
Diagnosis of the Obvious, Marina Kessler Gallery, Miami, FL
SUCK/SUCKLE, Gallery Hlemmur, Reykjavik
Storm, Gallery Hlemmur, Reykjavik
Haustlaukar II / Autumn Bulbs II, New Public Art, Reykjavik, Iceland
Aurora Light – video installation Sound Biennial
Dances with Whales – Keiko on my mind collaboration with DGDG
The Danielle Georgiou Dance Group, Dallas, Texas
Corazon Vizcaya, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL
100+ Degrees in The Shade: A Survey of South Florida Art Curated by Jane Hart
Due North, The Icebox Project Space, Philadelphia Curated by Marianne Bernstein
Pyramid Solitaire, Importing/Exporting Attitudes, Dimensions Variable, Miami, FL
Collaboration between the artists run spaces, DV in Miami and Kling & Bang, Reykjavik
Bed-In And Breakfast with Guru Rugu and Jacqueline Falcone , Cannonball, Miami
The Tibetans Have a Word for That, The Jacqueline Falcone Bed & Breakfast, Miami
Nordic Outbreak; Confronting Tales, Futures and Memories –
Nordic exhibition of video- and media art, Venues, Times Square, High Rail, and The New Museum
Occupy My Innocence, film installation, The New Museum, New York
Sequences; real time art festival, Reykjavik, Iceland
MIUU – Museum of Impossible, Unrealized and Unrealizable Art Projects,
activation & workshop with Denis Romanovski and Elin Wikström
Personal Political, Hardcore contemporary Art Space, Miami, FL
Trading Places, Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami
Curator: Bonnie Clearwater
Emotional Blackmail, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Curators: Markus Thor Andresson and Chen Tamir
Emotional Blackmail, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, SAAG Alberta, Canada
Curators: Markus Thor Andresson and Chen Tamir
KODDU/COMMON, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik
Curators: Asmundur Asmundsson, Hannes Larusson and Tinna Gretarsdottir
BUBBLERAFT, Dorsch Gallery, Miami FL
Curator: Brook Dorsch
Nordens U-Land, Färgfabriken, Östersund, Sweden,
Curator: Jonatan Habib Engqvist
Alternative Eye, Reykjavik Municipal Museum, The Reykjavik Arts Festival 2010
New Work Miami, Miami Art Museum (MAM), Miami, Florida
Curators: Réne Morales and Peter Boshwell
Icelandic Art Today, The Icelandic Foreign Ministry, Reykjavik
Curators: Halldor B Runolfsson and Audur Edda Jokulsdottir
In Deep Water, Hafnarborg Museum, Hafnarfjordur, Iceland
Curators: Markus Thor Andresson and Dorthee Kirch
It’s Not Your Fault, Gallery Luhring Augustine, New York –
Curator, Markus Thor Andresson
From Another Shore: Recent Icelandic Art, The Scandinavian-American Foundation, New York -curator, Halldor Bjorn Runolfsson – Director The Icelandic National Gallery
BÆ BÆ ISLAND/Goodbye Iceland, Municipal Museum Akureyri, Iceland – Curator: Hannes Sigurdsson
Alas Nature!, The Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik
Mi Ami, Miami, The Lombardy County Hall
The Model At Hand, South Florida / ArtCenter, Miami Beach
Happily Ever After, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space, Miami
Photo, Jacob-Karpio Galeria, San Jose, Costa Rica
Landscape and Folklore, The Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik
Compliment, Art Center/South Florida, Miami Beach
Pretend I’m Not Here, The Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China
Meter, Gallery Art Center/South Florida, Miami Beach – Curator, Clair Breukel
IJS/ICE MDD, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Gent, Belgium – Curator, Edith Doove
MOMENTUM 04, Nordic Festival of Contemporary Art,
The Moss Brewery Exhibition Hall Moss, Norway
Ideologia II, Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art, Röda Sten, Gothenburg, Sweden
Gallery Hlemmur, Gerdarsafn, Municipal Museum of Kopavogur, Kopavogur, Iceland
MHR 30, 30th Anniversary exhibition of The Reykjavik Sculptors Association, Reykjavik Municipal Museum
Second Flash, Symposium and Contemporary Arts Festival, Kozelites gallery,P’ecs, Hungary
DON, Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas
Translight 2000 multimedia performance Trans-Stein, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik
Kunst Ohne Raus / Art Without Drugs, Stadtmitt Galleri, Hannover, Germany
Inventing Iceland, Galerie articule, Montreal, Canada
Icelandic Bone In A Swedish Sock, Galleri 54, Gothenburg, Sweden
Corazon Vizcaya: a TeleNovela by Magnus Sigurdarson, Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, FL
Rotating Renaissance Man, Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, FL
Choreographer Domingo Castillo
Sleep My Baby Sleep / SOFDU UNGA ASTIN MIN, a short description of Melancholy Collaboration with singers JuJu Pie and Lloyd Reshard, Part of the Miami Downtown
Electric Lunch program, Coordinator Patricia Hernandes
Dances With Whales performance for the Civilization: Monumental Materialism, Colony, MoMA PS1 Part of Expo 1 New York
Sleep My Baby Sleep, short description of Melancholy,
Collaboration and Performance with the Choir of our lady of perpetual help of the Notre Dame Catholic Church for Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami and
Art Live Fair, Conductor Boniface Laurent
Difficulty of Freedom / Freedom of Difficulty – MEEH, Collaboration and Performance with Erla Haraldsdottir, Elin Wikstrom and Haraldur Jonsson for Reykjavik Arts Festival, The Icelandic Artists Association, Reykjavik
INTIMACY II, Performance at the Colony Theater, MB for Sleepless Night,
Miami Beach, with artist Ragnar Kjartansson
SKITSOFRENIA, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland with artist Egill Saebjornsson
Intimacy, multimedia installation ASI, The Labor Unions’ Art Gallery, Reykjavik Arts Festival with artist Ragnar Kjartansson
MAGGO/GABB, paintings and poetry101 Gallery, Reykjavik with artist Gabriela Fridriksdottir
The Visual Arts Stipend Fund, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry
Artist Residency Program at PANAL 361, Buenos Aires Argentina
Coordinator, Susan Caraballo – Artistic Director, South Florida Art Center
The Miami New Times, Mastermind best show of 2012
1001 Dreams of Occupation, Dorsch Gallery, Miami, FL
The Visual Arts Stipend Fund, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry
MUGGUR (Icelandic Artist Association
The Visual Arts Stipend Fund, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry
Margret Bjorgulfsdottir in Memoriam Foundation, Reykjavik, Iceland
Project grant for The Shanghai International Biennial Urban Sculpture Exhibition,
Shanghai, China
MUGGUR (Icelandic Artist Association) Residence grant for
The Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China
Artist Residency Program for 3 months at The Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen, China
The Visual Arts Stipend Fund, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry, Traveling Grant, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry
For OMNIART II, The Neighborhood as a work of art: Miami,Traveling Grant, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry
For IJS/ICE MDD, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Gent, Belgium
Selected Juried artist at The Art Center/South Florida, Miami Beach, FL
IDEOLOGIA II, Traveling Grant, The Icelandic Cultural Ministry, Gothenburg, Sweden
Artist Residency Program, The Nordic Artists’ Centre in Dale, Dalso, Norway
Stipend Fund The Icelandic Cultural Ministry (Feb 2002)
Traveling Grant The Icelandic Cultural Ministry Second Flash Symposium
Pecs, Hungary
The Icelandair Corporation Cultural Award, The Icelandair / Flugleidir Cultural Foundation
The American Scandinavian Cultural Award, The American Scandinavian Foundation, Awarded by Vibeke Steineger president and Charles Jones organizer
A Fulbright Grant for studies towards an MFA degree Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Interview-Ocean Drive Magazine
Miami New Times article on installation I’m So Much Better Than You
at Emmanuel Javogue Fine Arts
Carlos Suarez De Jesus Low-Profile Highbrow Art, June 8, 2006
Art Auction for the Sundari Foundation -The Margulies Collection
Shanghai International Biennial of Urban Sculpture Exhibition (catalogue)
Art Auction for the Sundari Foundation -The Margulies Collection
Earth, Water, and Fire – Praxis International Catalogue
Photo New York, presentation of Creative Thrift-shop
Complement – South Florida art Center, Miami Beach, catalogue
Shanghai Art Fair – catalogue
Art Basel Miami Beach – catalogue
Art Miami – catalogue
Divine Intervention Review – Miami New Times
OMNIART II – Art in the City
Project Mass Media at OMNIART, The Neighborhood As a Work of Art, Miami New Times
AAF The Affordable Art Fair – catalogue
New Icelandic Art: On Reality, Man, and Image The Icelandic National Gallery
The Icelandic Medical Journal – cover
New Creativity \ NY SKOPUN at Ice Tec, Reykjavik – catalogue
Momentum 04 Nordic Festival of Contemporary Art – catalogue
IDEOLOGIA II Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art – catalogue
Works represented by Gallery Hlemmur at The Stockholm Art-fair-catalogue
MHR 30, 30th Anniversary exhibition of the Association of Reykjavik Sculptors – catalogue
ALL ABROAD, The Living Art Museum- catalogue
Review in the 2001 issue of the Nordic Art
Inventing Iceland – catalogue
Interview – The New York Times
The Collections of Kathryn and Dan Mikesell, Miami
The Collections of Debra and Dennis Scholl, Miami Beach
Private Collection of Petur Arason, Reykjavik, Iceland
The Collezione La Gaia, Busca, Italy
The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
MDD, Museum Dhondt, Dhaenens, Gent, Belgium
The Icelandic National Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
The Reykjavik Municipal Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland
The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik
Private Collection of Joel and Monica Hoppenstein, Miami Beach, Florida
The Corporate Collection, Focus Group, New York
The Corporate Collection of Icelandair, Reykjavik, Iceland
The Corporate Collection of Royal Caribbean, Miami, Florida
Private Collection of Alberto Chebebar, Miami Beach, Florida
Private Collection of Homero and Illana Torres, Miami, Florida
Private Collection of Elizabeth Dascal, Miami Beach, Florida
Private Collection of Emmanuel Javouge, Miami, Florida
Private Collection of Breck Kling, Rochester, New York
Private Collection of John Lin, Miami
Public Collection of The Related Group, Miami
1997 MFA – Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
1992 BFA – The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik
Due to COVID-19, we are open by appointment. The gallery will follow social distancing protocol and allow only a certain number of visitors per appointment.