
Elisabeth Condon featured in Jason McCoy Gallery’s second weekly Drawing Challenge

April 15, 2020


Jason McCoy Gallery is pleased to present a selection of submissions that we received in answer to our Drawing Challenge II, which was announced on April 15th, 2020. The below artworks were prompted in response to the following excerpt from Wisława Szymborska’s (1923-2012) poem “Maps“. We would like to thank Emily Eveleth for drawing our attention to this exceptional Polish poet, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996.

…I like maps, because they lie.
Because they give no access to the vicious truth.
Because great-heartedly, good-naturedly
they spread before me a world
not of this world…


FEAT_Elisabeth_Condon_Hilltop_2018_Glitter, acrylic, ink on linen_48 x 48 inches_150dpi.jpeg

Elisabeth Condon, Hilltop, 2019, acrylic, calligraphy ink, and glitter on linen, 48 x 48 inches

”I chose Hilltop for this poem because it is “a world not of this world,” an invented space akin to Chinese scrolls in the recreation of landscape through imagination. Hilltop combines various approaches, such as pours, wallpaper patterns, freehand gestures, and smears of glitter. It’s square, which is an odd shape for landscape, but like a map lends itself to an artificial construct of what landscape can be, the kind of place entered staring into a pattern.”

– Elisabeth Condon, 2020



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