
thisishappening: Winter Wolf and Shadow Wolf

Tara Stickstein

November 15, 2014

Reception: November 15, 2014

thisishappening presents an opportunity to consider how we record experience, beyond documentation, in a manner that can subsist within a gallery context for aesthetic and critical engagement with non-material objects.

Selected Works

thisishappening: Winter Wolf and Shadow Wolf

Really Large Numbers
Curated by Tara Strickstein

Please join us in the garden for Winter Wolf and Shadow Wolf, a living diorama by Really Large Numbers. Using tropes of Natural History Museum display, they present elements of the tenuous and violent, but ultimately symbiotic relationship between Winter Wolf and his shadow, Shadow Wolf.


The move toward an art that is living is a common signpost for the contemporary period, and stems from a desire for urgency – to matter. This shift toward the privileging of experience, both lived and virtual, is compounded by a hyper-awareness of how we craft ourselves in (real)-time.

thisishappening presents an opportunity to consider how we record experience, beyond documentation, in a manner that can subsist within a gallery context for aesthetic and critical engagement with non-material objects.

Over a period of eight weeks, Emerson Dorsch will present a selection of events, screenings, performance, and interactions that will address a range of concerns within the discourse on art as experience. The works included facilitate exchange through encounter – connecting those who create, own, use, critique, or consume them.

In an effort to expose the numerous lines of tension, which have surfaced from the growing gap between experience and its objectification, the gallery exhibition will exist in a constant state of becoming. Works will be curated-into the space, reflecting and reacting to the projects as they unfold in time.

About the Artists



November 21, 2014


November 14, 2014

Visit by Appointment

Due to COVID-19, we are open by appointment. The gallery will follow social distancing protocol and allow only a certain number of visitors per appointment.