
N. Masani Landfair: blink to see

April 24 - June 18, 2022

Reception: Reception: Sunday, April 24th, 2022

Selected Works

N. Masani Landfair: blink to see

“I began to see society more clearly in my teens. The thin veil of hype covering the irony of city living. Little did I know at the time these unseen realities were worldwide. This is during an era where there was no personal internet in homes, nor a cell phone in everyone’s hands. I recall feeling connected to using all senses to understand what was happening and changing in a blink of an eye at times all around.”

The images captured in this short come through the everyday adventures n. masani landfair around Chicago in the late 80’s. Merging her interest in journalism and cinematography, “blink to see” relates to our first reaction in the ranges of shock and surprise, negative or positive which can emote the physical reaction to blink in disbelief or awe. The reality that all our senses connect us, is getting marred in narrow minded external validation. For example; We see homeless people, but are slow to accept and understand the conditions that got them on the streets. This is very evident presently as views, visuals, and physical portrayals are more dominant to ostensibly connect people and ideas.

“We have to resist the urge with over consumption, not accepting factual information, and immediate gratifications in order to take on many of the issues we have as a whole.”


N. Masani Landfair, blink to see, 1988-89. Single channel video, duration: 55 seconds, courtesy of the Artist.

Visit by Appointment

Due to COVID-19, we are open by appointment. The gallery will follow social distancing protocol and allow only a certain number of visitors per appointment.