Frances Trombly included in the exhibition Deconstruction : A Reordering of Life, Politics, and Art at the Frost Museum
Deconstrucción: vida, polÃtica y arte en el FROST
Por Janet Batet | Especial/el Nuevo Herald
Como parte de las celebraciones por su décimo aniversario, el Museo de Arte Patricia y Phillip Frost de la FIU presenta al público la muestra colectiva Deconstruction: A reordering of life, politics, and art. Integrada por 12 artistas locales (Eddie Arroyo, Zachary Balber, Frida Baranek, Christopher Carter, Leyden RodrÃguez-Casanova, Yanira Collado, Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Pepe Mar, Glexis Novoa, Sandra Ramos, Jamilah Sabur y Frances Trombly), Deconstrucción: Un reordenamiento de la vida, la polÃtica y el arte – como bien indica el subtÃtulo -, es un guiño al libro de Guy Debord, La sociedad del espectáculo (1967), en el que el aclamado ensayista avizora la mediación entre imagen, tecnologÃa y experiencia directa del acontecer. Deconstrucción… acoge temas de actualidad tanto a nivel local como global. Si bien la muestra está integrada, en su mayorÃa, por obras pre-existentes, cuatro de los artistas incluidos (Christopher Carter, Yanira Collado, Gonzalo Fuenmayor y Pepe Mar) han creado obras especÃficamente para la misma.
As part of the celebrations for its tenth anniversary, the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum at FIU presents the collective exhibition Deconstruction: A reordering of life, politics, and art. Composed of 12 local artists (Eddie Arroyo, Zachary Balber, Frida Baranek, Christopher Carter, Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova, Yanira Collado, Gonzalo Fuenmayor, Pepe Mar, Glexis Novoa, Sandra Ramos, Jamilah Sabur and Frances Trombly), Deconstruction: A reordering of life, politics and art – as the subtitle clearly indicates – is a nod to Guy Debord’s book, The Society of Spectacle (1967), in which the acclaimed essayist foresees the mediation between image, technology and the direct experience of what is happening. Deconstruction … welcomes current issues both locally and globally. Although the sample is integrated, in its majority, by pre-existing works, four of the included artists (Christopher Carter, Yanira Collado, Gonzalo Fuenmayor and Pepe Mar) have created works specifically for the same.